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On the Cover

Big thanks to Maria Divina Gracia Galura from Calgary Party 50 for providing the colourful work of art adorning the cover of this issue! Maria's decade career is in Industrial Engineering specializing in Project Management, however her creative calling made her a self-taught organic balloon artist. A nod to community balloon art installations, Maria Galura is in the list of "Calgarians We Love" in Avenue Magazine January/February 2021 issue.

The installation on the cover was done for Winter Froth, part of Chinook Blast 2021, a mid-winter roundup festival in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Maria Galura installed the 7-toned colourful installation in -22°C and -33°C with wind chill (-7°F and -27°F with wind chill). The Qualatex balloons weathered snow, frost and sunshine for a week and were in top shape before popping.


Thank you to all of the contributors who made this project, and its subsequent photos/videos possible!

Balloon Artist: Maria Divina Gracia Galura
Calgary Party 50
Calgary Party 50 website

Videographer/ Photographer: Johanna Hung
Johanna Hung Photography

Partner: PARK
Our Park Online

Selfie Booth: Rachael Meckling

Festival: Chinook Blast

Additional Photos & Videos